General Properties
Modified on 2017/02/09 06:46 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized
General Chart
This allows you to create a default layout of your chart. All settings will carry over to a new chart.
Save: Allows you to save a copy of your chart. It can be accessed in the window management.
Left click in the value area to give your chart a unique name.
Background Color:
Sets the background color of the chart.
Gridline Color:
Sets the color for the gridlines of the chart.
Value Scale Position:
Allows you to display the value scale position on the chart to the left, right, both, or hidden.
Auto-Scale Prices:
Whether to auto-center the price scale when the time scale is scrolled. Note this can also be turned on or off by clicking the A located at the top right of the chart. Green indicates it is enabled.
Auto-Scale Margin: Percent of scale space to reserve for margin.
Display Summaries:
Add or removes display summaries from the top left hand corner of the chart.
Summary Text Size:
The size to draw the summary text size.
Display Net Change:
Left click in the value area to display the net change of the market on the chart.
Display Net Change Percent:
Left click in the value area to display the net change percent of the market on the chart.
Display Settlement Prices:
Left click in the value area to display the settlement prices on the chart.
Settlement Price Color:
Alows you to change the color of the display of the settlement prices on the chart. Note the default color is yellow.
Highlight Last Trade:
Adds or removes green highlighting of the last trade of the day.
Highlight Trade Days:
Adds or removes shading of trade days.
Adds or removes crosshairs from the chart. Note you can also enable the crosshairs using the crosshair button on your chart.
Crosshair Color:
You can change the color of the crosshair.
Crosshair Thickness:
Set the thickness of the crosshair. Max allowed is 20.
Global Crosshairs:
Adds or removes the global crosshairs from the chart
High Quality Rendering:
Enabling will allow anti-aliasing for high-quality rendering.
Continuation Settings
Continuation Type:
Left click in the value area to set the contract continuation settings.
Time Scale
Default Scale margin:
How much space in % to leave between the current bar and the right edge of the chart. Max is 50%.
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